Multikind Object validation in Nestjs DTO: A Comprehensive Guide
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Multikind Object validation in Nestjs DTO: A Comprehensive Guide

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As a developer working with Nestjs, you’re likely familiar with the concept of Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) and their importance in maintaining data integrity and consistency. One aspect of DTOs that can be particularly challenging is validating complex, multikind objects. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of multikind object validation in Nestjs DTOs, exploring the concepts, challenges, and solutions to help you master this crucial aspect of development.

What are Multikind Objects?

Before we dive into the validation process, it’s essential to understand what multikind objects are. In simple terms, a multikind object is a JSON object that can take on multiple shapes or types, depending on the context in which it’s used. This is in contrast to single-kind objects, which have a fixed structure and type.

// Example of a single-kind object
  "name": "John Doe",
  "age": 30

// Example of a multikind object
  "type": "user",
  "data": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "age": 30

// or

  "type": "admin",
  "data": {
    "username": "johndoe",
    "role": "superadmin"

In the above example, the multikind object has a “type” property that determines the structure of the “data” property. This flexibility makes multikind objects useful in scenarios where you need to handle different types of data, but it also introduces complexity when it comes to validation.

The Challenges of Validating Multikind Objects

Validating multikind objects can be tricky because you need to cater to multiple scenarios and data structures. Here are some of the challenges you might encounter:

  • Dynamic schema: Multikind objects can have dynamic schemas, making it difficult to define a fixed set of validation rules.
  • Polymorphism: Multikind objects can represent different types of data, requiring you to handle multiple validation scenarios.
  • Nested objects: Multikind objects can contain nested objects, adding an extra layer of complexity to the validation process.
  • Performance: Validating multikind objects can impact performance, especially when dealing with large datasets.

Approaches to Validating Multikind Objects in Nestjs DTOs

Now that we’ve discussed the challenges, let’s explore the approaches to validating multikind objects in Nestjs DTOs:

1. Using a single DTO with conditional validation

One approach is to create a single DTO with conditional validation rules based on the “type” property. You can use Nestjs’s built-in validation features, such as class-validator, to achieve this.

import { IsDefined, IsString, IsNumber } from 'class-validator';

export class MultikindDTO {
  type: string;

  data: any;

  @ValidateIf(o => o.type === 'user')
  name: string;

  @ValidateIf(o => o.type === 'user')
  age: number;

  @ValidateIf(o => o.type === 'admin')
  username: string;

  @ValidateIf(o => o.type === 'admin')
  role: string;

This approach has its limitations, as it can become cumbersome to manage multiple validation rules and conditional statements.

2. Using separate DTOs for each type

Another approach is to create separate DTOs for each type of data, and then use a higher-order DTO to wrap the specific DTOs.

import { IsDefined, IsString, IsNumber } from 'class-validator';

export class UserDTO {
  name: string;

  age: number;

export class AdminDTO {
  username: string;

  role: string;

export class MultikindDTO {
  type: string;

  data: UserDTO | AdminDTO;

This approach provides better separation of concerns and makes it easier to manage validation rules, but it can lead to a higher number of DTOs and increased complexity.

3. Using a generic DTO with runtime validation

A more flexible approach is to use a generic DTO with runtime validation. You can create a single DTO with a generic “data” property, and then use a validator function to validate the data based on the “type” property.

import { IsDefined } from 'class-validator';

export class MultikindDTO {
  type: string;

  data: any;

const validators = {
  user: (data) => {
    // validation rules for user data
  admin: (data) => {
    // validation rules for admin data

export const validateMultikindData = (dto: MultikindDTO) => {
  const validator = validators[dto.type];
  if (!validator) {
    throw new Error(`Validator for type '${dto.type}' not found`);
  return validator(;

This approach provides the flexibility to add or remove validation rules at runtime, making it easier to adapt to changing requirements.

Best Practices for Multikind Object Validation

When working with multikind object validation in Nestjs DTOs, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Keep it simple: Avoid over-engineering your validation logic. Keep it simple, and focus on the essential rules.
  2. Use meaningful error messages: Provide clear and concise error messages to help developers and users understand what’s wrong with the data.
  3. Test thoroughly: Test your validation logic extensively to ensure it covers all possible scenarios.
  4. Document your validation rules: Document your validation rules and conventions to ensure consistency across your team and application.
  5. Use Nestjs’s built-in validation features: Leverage Nestjs’s built-in validation features, such as class-validator, to simplify your validation logic.
Approach Pros Cons
Single DTO with conditional validation Easy to implement, uses built-in validation features Can become cumbersome with multiple validation rules, limited flexibility
Separate DTOs for each type Better separation of concerns, easier to manage validation rules Can lead to a higher number of DTOs, increased complexity
Generic DTO with runtime validation Provides flexibility, easy to adapt to changing requirements Requires more complex validation logic, potential performance impact


Validating multikind objects in Nestjs DTOs can be challenging, but by understanding the challenges and approaches, you can create robust and flexible validation logic. Remember to keep your validation logic simple, test thoroughly, and document your conventions. By following these best practices and choosing the right approach for your use case, you’ll be able to tackle even the most complex multikind object validation scenarios.

Happy coding, and remember to stay validated!

Here is the FAQ about Multikind Object validation in Nestjs DTO:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get your doubts cleared about Multikind Object validation in Nestjs DTO!

What is Multikind Object validation in Nestjs DTO?

Multikind Object validation in Nestjs DTO is a powerful feature that allows you to validate objects of different kinds or types in a single DTO (Data Transfer Object). This means you can define a single DTO that can accept and validate objects of different types, making your API more flexible and scalable.

How do I implement Multikind Object validation in Nestjs DTO?

To implement Multikind Object validation in Nestjs DTO, you need to use the `@ValidateNested()` decorator on the property that can accept objects of different kinds. Then, you define a custom validator using the `Validator` interface that checks the type of the object and applies the corresponding validation rules.

Can I use Multikind Object validation with existing validation libraries like Joi or Class Validator?

Yes, you can use Multikind Object validation with existing validation libraries like Joi or Class Validator. Nestjs provides built-in support for these libraries, so you can easily integrate them into your Multikind Object validation implementation.

How do I handle errors and exceptions in Multikind Object validation?

When using Multikind Object validation, you can handle errors and exceptions by using the `Validator` interface to throw custom errors or exceptions when the validation rules are not met. You can also use Nestjs’ built-in error handling mechanisms, such as the `HttpException` class, to handle and return error responses to the client.

What are the benefits of using Multikind Object validation in Nestjs DTO?

The benefits of using Multikind Object validation in Nestjs DTO include increased flexibility and scalability, reduced code duplication, and improved API reliability. By allowing a single DTO to accept and validate objects of different kinds, you can simplify your API design and reduce the complexity of your application code.