How Can I Efficiently Insert More Than 1 Million Records into Firestore?
Image by Diederick -

How Can I Efficiently Insert More Than 1 Million Records into Firestore?

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re struggling to insert a massive amount of data into Firestore, and you’re not alone! As a developer, dealing with big data can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to NoSQL databases like Firestore. But fear not, my friend, because today we’re going to tackle this challenge head-on and explore the most efficient ways to insert more than 1 million records into Firestore.

Understanding Firestore Limitations

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand the limitations of Firestore. Firestore has a few constraints that can make inserting large amounts of data a challenge:

  • Write Limits: Firestore has a write limit of 1 operation per second per document. This means that if you’re inserting 1 million records, you’ll need to space out your writes to avoid hitting this limit.
  • Batch Writes: Firestore allows batch writes of up to 500 operations at a time. This can help speed up the insertion process, but you’ll still need to handle errors and retries.
  • Data Size: Firestore has a maximum data size limit of 1MB per document. If your records exceed this size, you’ll need to split them up or use a different storage solution.

Preparing Your Data

Before inserting your data, make sure you’ve prepared it for Firestore. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Data Normalization: Normalize your data to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity. This will also help you stay within the 1MB data size limit.
  2. Data Compression: Compress your data using tools like Gzip or Brotli to reduce its size and improve insertion speed.
  3. Data Chunking: Divide your data into smaller chunks to avoid hitting the write limit. You can use a chunk size of 100-500 records depending on your data size.

Efficient Insertion Methods

Now that we’ve prepared our data, let’s explore the most efficient ways to insert more than 1 million records into Firestore:

Bulk Write Operations

Firestore provides a bulk write operation that allows you to write up to 500 operations at a time. This is the fastest way to insert large amounts of data, but you’ll need to handle errors and retries:

const batch = db.batch();

for (let i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
  const docRef = db.collection('collectionName').doc();
  batch.set(docRef, { /* document data */ });

batch.commit().then(() => {
  console.log('Batch write complete!');
}).catch((error) => {
  console.log('Error writing batch:', error);

Parallel Writes

Another approach is to use parallel writes to speed up the insertion process. You can use a library like bluebird to parallelize your writes:

const bluebird = require('bluebird');

const chunks = chunkData(data, 100); // chunk data into 100-record chunks, (chunk) => {
  return db.collection('collectionName').add(chunk).then((docRef) => {
    console.log(`Written ${}`);
  }).catch((error) => {
    console.log('Error writing chunk:', error);
}, { concurrency: 5 }); // write 5 chunks in parallel

Using Cloud Functions

If you’re dealing with an extremely large dataset, you might want to consider using Cloud Functions to handle the insertion process. This allows you to scale your writes horizontally and avoid hitting the write limit:

exports.insertData = functions.firestore region('us-central1').runWith({
  timeoutSeconds: 540,
  memory: '1GB'
}).onCall(async (data, context) => {
  const db = admin.firestore();
  const batch = db.batch();

  for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    const docRef = db.collection('collectionName').doc();
    batch.set(docRef, data[i]);

  await batch.commit();
  return { message: 'Data inserted successfully!' };

Error Handling and Retries

When inserting large amounts of data, errors are inevitable. You’ll need to handle errors and retries to ensure that your data is inserted correctly:

Error Code Error Message Retry Strategy
503 Service unavailable Exponential backoff with a maximum of 10 retries
429 Too many requests Linear backoff with a maximum of 5 retries
500 Internal server error Exponential backoff with a maximum of 5 retries


Inserting more than 1 million records into Firestore can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies, you can do it efficiently. By preparing your data, using bulk write operations, parallel writes, and Cloud Functions, you can overcome the limitations of Firestore and ensure that your data is inserted correctly. Remember to handle errors and retries to avoid data loss and ensure a smooth insertion process. Happy coding!

Still struggling to insert your data? Check out the official Firestore documentation for more tips and best practices on handling large datasets.

Want to learn more about Firestore and its limitations? Stay tuned for more articles on Firestore and NoSQL databases!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “How can I efficiently insert more than 1 million records into Firestore?” :

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of Firestore data insertion at scale!

Q1: What’s the best way to insert a large dataset into Firestore without losing my mind?

To avoid going crazy, use the Firebase CLI’s `firebase firestore:import` command to import your data from a JSON or CSV file. This way, you can take advantage of Firestore’s batch writing capabilities and import your data in no time!

Q2: How can I optimize my Firestore data insertion for high performance?

To optimize your Firestore data insertion, use the Firestore SDK’s batch writing feature, which allows you to write up to 500 documents at once. You can also use Firestore transactions to group multiple writes together, reducing the number of requests and improving performance.

Q3: What’s the deal with Firestore’s write limits? Will I ever reach them?

Firestore has a write limit of 1 write per second per document, and 10 writes per second per collection. To avoid hitting these limits, use Firestore’s built-in exponential backoff feature, which will automatically retry failed writes. You can also use Cloud Tasks to queue your writes and process them asynchronously.

Q4: Can I use Cloud Functions to insert data into Firestore?

Yes, you can use Cloud Functions to insert data into Firestore! In fact, Cloud Functions is a great way to process large datasets and insert them into Firestore in a scalable and serverless way. Just be sure to follow Firestore’s best practices for Cloud Functions.

Q5: How can I monitor and debug my Firestore data insertion process?

To monitor and debug your Firestore data insertion process, use the Firebase Console’s Firestore dashboard to track your writes and inspect any errors that occur. You can also use the Firebase CLI’s `firebase firestore:debug` command to debug your Firestore code and identify performance bottlenecks.

I hope this helps!