How Can I Detect the Bottom of SwiftUI List?
Image by Diederick -

How Can I Detect the Bottom of SwiftUI List?

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Are you tired of scrolling through endless lists, wondering when you’ll reach the bottom? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of SwiftUI and explore the best ways to detect when you’ve reached the bottom of a list. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, you’ll learn how to add this functionality to your app and take your user experience to the next level.

Why Do We Need to Detect the Bottom of a List?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s talk about why detecting the bottom of a list is important. In many cases, you might want to perform an action when the user reaches the end of the list, such as:

  • Loading more data
  • Displaying a “no more items” message
  • Showcasing a “load more” button
  • Triggering an animation or effect

By detecting the bottom of the list, you can create a seamless and interactive experience for your users.

The Challenges of Detecting the Bottom of a List

In traditional UIKit, detecting the bottom of a list was relatively straightforward using UITableViewDelegate methods like tableView(_:willDisplay:forRowAt:). However, with the introduction of SwiftUI, things got a bit more complicated.

In SwiftUI, we don’t have direct access to the underlying UITableViewDelegate, making it more challenging to detect when the user reaches the bottom of the list. But fear not, dear developer! We’ve got some workarounds that’ll get you up and running in no time.

Solution 1: Using GeometryReader and PreferenceKey

This method involves using a combination of GeometryReader and PreferenceKey to detect when the user reaches the bottom of the list. Here’s how to implement it:

struct ListBottomDetector: View {
  @State private var isBottomReached = false

  var body: some View {
    GeometryReader { geometry in
      List(myData) { item in
        // Your list item view
        GeometryReader { geo in
            key: ViewOffsetKey.self,
            value:geo.frame(in: .named("scroll")).origin.y
      .coordinateSpace(name: "scroll")
    .onPreferenceChange(ViewOffsetKey.self) { value in
      if value >= myData.count * itemHeight {
        isBottomReached = true

struct ViewOffsetKey: PreferenceKey {
  typealias Value = CGFloat
  static var defaultValue: Value = .zero
  static func reduce(value: inout Value, nextValue: () -> Value) {
    value += nextValue()

In this solution, we use GeometryReader to get the frame of the list and calculate the offset. We then use PreferenceKey to propagate the offset value up the view hierarchy. Finally, we detect when the offset reaches the bottom of the list by comparing it to the total height of the list items.

Solution 2: Using ScrollViewReader and ScrollViewProxy

This method involves using ScrollViewReader and ScrollViewProxy to detect when the user reaches the bottom of the list. Here’s how to implement it:

struct ListBottomDetector: View {
  @State private var isBottomReached = false

  var body: some View {
    ScrollViewReader { proxy in
      ScrollView {
        LazyVStack {
          ForEach(myData) { item in
            // Your list item view
          Color.clear.frame(height: 0)
            .anchorPreference(key: ViewOffsetKey.self, value: .bounds)
      .coordinateSpace(name: "scroll")
      .onChange(of: proxy.offset) { offset in
        if offset.y >= myData.count * itemHeight {
          isBottomReached = true

struct ViewOffsetKey: PreferenceKey {
  typealias Value = CGFloat
  static var defaultValue: Value = .zero
  static func reduce(value: inout Value, nextValue: () -> Value) {
    value += nextValue()

In this solution, we use ScrollViewReader to get the offset of the scroll view. We then use LazyVStack to create a list of items and attach an anchorPreference to the last item. Finally, we detect when the offset reaches the bottom of the list by comparing it to the total height of the list items.

Solution 3: Using a Custom GeometryEffect

This method involves creating a custom GeometryEffect to detect when the user reaches the bottom of the list. Here’s how to implement it:

struct ListBottomDetector: View {
  @State private var isBottomReached = false

  var body: some View {
    List(myData) { item in
      // Your list item view

struct DetectListBottomModifier: GeometryEffect {
  @Binding var isBottomReached: Bool

  func body(content: Content) -> some View {
        GeometryReader { geo in
            .preference(key: ViewOffsetKey.self, value: geo.frame(in: .named("scroll")).origin.y)
      .coordinateSpace(name: "scroll")
      .onPreferenceChange(ViewOffsetKey.self) { value in
        if value >= myData.count * itemHeight {
          isBottomReached = true

In this solution, we create a custom GeometryEffect that uses GeometryReader to get the frame of the list and calculate the offset. We then use PreferenceKey to propagate the offset value up the view hierarchy. Finally, we detect when the offset reaches the bottom of the list by comparing it to the total height of the list items.


In this article, we explored three different solutions to detect when the user reaches the bottom of a SwiftUI list. Whether you choose to use GeometryReader and PreferenceKey, ScrollViewReader and ScrollViewProxy, or a custom GeometryEffect, you’ll be able to create a seamless and interactive experience for your users.

Remember, detecting the bottom of a list is just the beginning. You can use this functionality to load more data, display a “no more items” message, showcase a “load more” button, or trigger an animation or effect. The possibilities are endless!

Solution Pros Cons
GeometryReader and PreferenceKey Easy to implement, works with both List and ScrollView Might not work correctly with complex list structures
ScrollViewReader and ScrollViewProxy Provides more accurate offset values, works with both List and ScrollView Requires iOS 14 or later, might have performance issues with large lists
Custom GeometryEffect Provides a high degree of customization, works with both List and ScrollView More complex to implement, might require additional tweaking for optimal performance

Now that you’ve reached the bottom of this article, go ahead and implement these solutions in your own app. Happy coding!

Final Thoughts

Detecting the bottom of a SwiftUI list might seem like a daunting task, but with these solutions, you’ll be able to create a seamless and interactive experience for your users. Remember to choose the solution that best fits your needs and optimize it for optimal performance.

If you have any questions or need further clarification on any of the solutions, feel free to ask in the comments below. Happy coding, and I’ll see you in the next article!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How can I detect the bottom of SwiftUI List?”

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to figure out when you’ve reached the end of a SwiftUI List? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

How can I detect when the user scrolls to the bottom of a SwiftUI List?

You can use the `.onAppear` modifier to detect when the last item in the list appears on the screen. Simply attach it to the last item in your list, and perform the desired action when it appears. For example: `List { … }.onAppear { print(“Last item appeared!”) }`

Is there a way to detect when the user reaches the bottom of a SwiftUI List without using `.onAppear`?

Yes, you can use a combination of `GeometryReader` and `@State` properties to detect when the user scrolls to the bottom of the list. This method provides more flexibility and accuracy than the `.onAppear` approach. For example: “`swift
struct ListView: View {
@State private var scrollViewOffset: CGFloat = 0
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
ScrollView {
// Your list content here
.offset(x: 0, y: scrollViewOffset)
.onChange(of: scrollViewOffset) { [scrollViewOffset] in
if scrollViewOffset >= geometry.size.height – 100 { // adjust the threshold as needed
print(“Reached the bottom of the list!”)

Can I use `.onScroll` to detect when the user reaches the bottom of a SwiftUI List?

No, unfortunately, SwiftUI does not provide an `.onScroll` modifier out of the box. However, you can create a custom `ScrollView` with a delegate that notifies you when the user scrolls. Then, you can calculate the scrolled distance and detect when the user reaches the bottom of the list. For example: “`swift
struct UIScrollViewDelegate: NSObject, UIScrollViewDelegate {
@Binding var scrollViewOffset: CGFloat
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
scrollViewOffset = scrollView.contentOffset.y
struct ListView: View {
@State private var scrollViewOffset: CGFloat = 0
var body: some View {
ScrollView {
// Your list content here
.delegate(UIScrollViewDelegate(scrollViewOffset: $scrollViewOffset))
.onChange(of: scrollViewOffset) { [scrollViewOffset] in
if scrollViewOffset >= geometry.size.height – 100 { // adjust the threshold as needed
print(“Reached the bottom of the list!”)

How can I detect the bottom of a SwiftUI List when it has a dynamic height?

When the list has a dynamic height, it’s more challenging to detect the bottom. One approach is to use a combination of `GeometryReader` and `PreferenceKey` to calculate the list’s height and detect when the user scrolls to the bottom. This method requires a bit more code, but it’s flexible and accurate. For example: “`swift
struct ListView: View {
@State private var listHeight: CGFloat = 0
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
ScrollView {
// Your list content here
GeometryReader { geo in
Color.clear.preference(key: ViewHeightKey.self, value: geo.size.height)
GeometryReader { geo in
Color.clear.preference(key: ScrollViewHeightKey.self, value: geo.size.height)
.onPreferenceChange(ViewHeightKey.self, perform: { value in
self.listHeight = value
.onPreferenceChange(ScrollViewHeightKey.self, perform: { value in
if self.listHeight – value <= 100 { // adjust the threshold as needed print("Reached the bottom of the list!") } }) } } ```

Are there any third-party libraries that can help me detect the bottom of a SwiftUI List?

Yes, there are several third-party libraries and packages available that can help you detect the bottom of a SwiftUI List. For example, you can use the `Scrollable` library, which provides a simple and easy-to-use API for detecting scroll events, including when the user reaches the bottom of the list. Another option is the `swiftui-scroll-view` package, which provides a custom `ScrollView` with built-in support for detecting scroll events. You can explore these libraries and see if they fit your needs.

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